Battlegroup Clash: Baltics (BC:B) is a one- to six-player tactical combat game simulating a series of hypothetical near future battles in the Baltics between Blue and Red adversaries.
BC:B is based off a wargame system used by the British Army to improve the tactical awareness of its junior officers. It is easy to learn and quick to play, and will appeal both to professional and hobby gamers looking to better understand combat on the modern battlefield.
Players control armour, infantry and reconnaissance units, HQ and A1 Echelon (support and supply) elements, artillery and reconnaissance and strike (FPV) drones. Maps in the game are real world and grid-based, no hexes.
The game emphasises the importance of planning prior to engagement, and rewards the execution of the plan using present-day Blue and Red combined arms techniques and doctrine.
Other key features are the importance of strong Command and Control, the need to minimise radio transmissions, the importance of concealment, deception and reconnaissance, and the management and resupply of ammunition to front line units.
The game comes with a training scenario and three full scenarios. These can be played individually or played in order as a ‘campaign’, whereby tactical success and force attrition can carry over to the next Scenario, impacting on the overall chance of campaign success.
Optional rules introduce among other things weather effects, casualty management, and snipers.
Counter example
Prototype map 1